Cause for the Canonization of 

Servant of God 

Demetrius Gallitzin

"Apostle of the Alleghenies"




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2006 Prince Gallitzin Cross Award Recipient

James Luciano of Saint Therese of the Child Jesus Parish, Altoona is described by the group of parishioners who nominated him as someone who emulates the ideals of Father Gallitzin and Saint Therese, by leading “a humble life, never seeking acknowledgment for his deeds.  He has led his life doing what appears to be small things . . . with great love, not only for individuals, but especially for God.”  He is an active festival worker, sports team coach, bingo worker and usher.  Mr. Luciano has a great love for the Eucharist, and helps elderly parishioners attend Mass.   He gives generously of his time and talent to his family, friends and neighbors.

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